Link - Dali Style Elephant (Blackpool Pleasure Beach)


This is a personal website for Sarah Myerscough. It does not represent the views of, nor is it endorsed by, Blackpool Illuminations, Blackpool Council, Visit Blackpool or Blackpool Pleasure Beach.



Photo - Mad Hatter figure on the Alice in Wonderland ride at Blackpool Pleasure BeachThe following are a number of FAQs I thought people might ask. If you have a question that isn't covered, please Contact Me and I'll try to answer it.

Do you do commissions?

Yes, I am interested in commissions, but before you get in touch, please be aware that if it relates to fibreglass figure(s), they are very time consuming to produce and therefore can be expensive. Oversized features also cost a lot of money to transport.

For any work I would require money up front to cover the cost of materials and depending on the size of the work, may require premises in which to work on it. For large pieces of work a further deposit may be required up-front to cover my time in case of abandonment or non-payment. Contracts can be drawn up accordingly.

Finally, as I am currently working full time any work would need to be done over a series of evenings and weekends.

If after all that, you are still interested, please Contact Me with plenty of details for my consideration.

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Can I see works from your existing collection?

Yes, take a look at my For Sale pages for plenty of details and photographs of my work.

These pages also include details of any Current Exhibitions and information on making appointments for Personal Viewings and Making a Purchase.

For examples of my work (not for sale) done whilst working for Blackpool Illuminations and Blackpool Pleasure Beach take a look at my Galleries of Work pages.

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Where are you located?

I'm currently located in Blackpool, in the North West of England.

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Are you interested in a career move?

Although I am not actively seeking another job at the moment, the work that I do is unusual and rare. There aren't many next moves that wouldn't be quite a change, perhaps with the exception of working for Disney or another theme park or building film sets, all of which I am interested in.

If you represent a company with an opportunity in my field (or something art-related, unusual and challenging) or know of such an opportunity, I'd be interested to hear about it. Please Contact Me with the details.

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Is your CV available on the site?

A downloadable version of my CV is not available, as it is my intention that this website will be a living breathing CV for anyone with an interest.

If you really want a paper copy, please Contact Me with details.

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